There have been many changes to the CAEN student computer labs starting Fall 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The following summarizes these changes:
- There are now three types of in-person CAEN labs, each with their own restrictions
- Labs with Reservable Time Slots – These are the vast majority of CAEN labs. You must reserve a computer in these rooms using the new campus Study Spaces at U-M tool. Reservations can be made for up to 2 consecutive hours at a time in advance. Note that all computer workstations in the Duderstadt Center also fall into this category. Please see this CAEN news article for more information on using the reservation system.
- Labs with Open Drop-in Access – Only two CAEN labs, Beyster 1695 and EECS 2420, will accommodate open/drop-in access (no reservations needed). The maximum stay is limited to 2 consecutive hours.
- Labs which are Reserved for Classes – Several CAEN labs have been set up similar to classrooms and are reserved for instruction, office hours, and other group uses as requested by faculty. These rooms can only be used for reservations that include the entire lab. The list of CAEN labs in this category are GGB 2517, Beyster 1620, EECS 2331, Pierpont B505 & B507, and GFL 224.
- All CAEN labs will have reduced hours. Generally speaking, they will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, but refer to the main CAEN lab listing page for changes to these hours. Signage in the labs will also indicate the hours of operation. The custodial staff will use the time the labs are closed for extensive cleaning procedures.
- All CAEN labs have been reduced in capacity to accommodate social distancing. Workstations which cannot be used have signage, and associated computers are disabled from sit down use and reallocated logically into Windows Remote Desktop Service pools. The CAEN labs which have more than one door will have the doors designated as one way either into or out of the lab. Please observe social distancing if there is only one door in the lab.
- Some printers have been moved out of the CAEN labs. ITS-managed printers may be moved into a more central location nearby based on COVID-19 social distancing needs.
- Wipe down and sanitize your computer workspace when you arrive. Those who enter a CAEN lab should utilize the available cleaning supplies to wipe down and sanitize their areas before starting. If a CAEN lab is out of cleaning supplies, please contact [email protected].
- Please do not get up from your computer workstation in a CAEN lab until you are ready to leave.
- CAEN lab inspectors will visit each lab at random times during the day. The purpose of the inspections is to check user compliance with the rules, and to restock cleaning supplies in the lab as needed. Please respect the new rules as these are in place for your safety. Occupants who are found in violation of the rules will be contacted afterwards and sanctions might apply such as loss of lab usage privileges.
- For remote access, the number of physical lab computers available will increase from last term’s number of 100 to at least 300. The increase in remote access computers will come from workstations in computer labs that cannot be used due to the social distancing requirements. This knowledge base article provides information for accessing these computers.