SMART Boards now available in select CAEN Labs

Digital capture whiteboards are now available in the following CAEN student computer labs and learning centers:

  • Beyster 1695
  • G.G. Brown 2570
  • EECS 1222

These particular models (SMART kapp) are on movable carts, and use regular dry erase markers. They were chosen based on their mobility, ease of use, and functionality. They interact with smartphones and other personal devices to share and capture drawings. These whiteboards require electrical power to fully function in case one is relocated within the room.

More information on using these digital capture whiteboards can be found on the CAEN Knowledge Base. This deployment is considered a pilot. If these whiteboards prove useful to students, CAEN will increase the numbers and expand them into other CAEN student computer labs and learning centers.

Saved digital image vs. SMART whiteboard writing