Professional Development Activity Tracking (PDAT): System updates and new training tracking features

The Professional Development Activity Tracking (PDAT) system, available to all Michigan Engineering employees, has recently been updated. Released just over one year ago, PDAT enables users to view the professional development activities they have completed or attended. The system now enables users to track required training and introduces several new features.

In January 2023, a committee including system users, subject matter experts and developers convened to review PDAT’s functionality and recommend improvements.

New features that were implemented this year:

  • Personal activities – users can press a single button to record activities that you attended on your own related to professional development
  • Sharable activities – users can create links that will route someone to PDAT and pre-fill a personal activity for them (e.g., links can be placed on a list of professional development resources on a website)
  • DEI support – activities can now be tagged as DEI-related
  • More data from Sessions @ Michigan – sessions/tracks that contain specific hashtags will be automatically imported into PDAT
  • Tracking of Required Trainings – for PDAT admins, including:

For more information about PDAT, visit the CAEN Knowledge Base or email [email protected].