CAEN has installed monitor-only stations in several CAEN computing lab locations. Monitor-only stations include a desk area with a monitor that is designed to plug your laptop into. The monitors come equipped with a USB-C and HDMI cable that you can use. There are also power outlets for your convenience. If you want an external keyboard or mouse, you will need to bring your own. A sign is attached to each station’s desk indicating it is a monitor-only station, making it easier to find these areas.
Refer to the CAEN website for a current list of labs and other on-campus locations with monitor-only stations. At the time of publication, the list of monitor-only station locations includes:
- EECS 2420
- Robotics 3000
- FXB B085
- Beyster 1695
- Duderstadt Center third floor (3E, 3NE, 3S, 3SW, 3WA) and second floor (2SW)
- Shapiro B000 (Central Campus)
We ask that you refrain from using the monitor-only stations if you do not intend to use the external monitor, allowing others who need this resource to do so.