Lecture Rewind is a new assistive technology feature developed by CAEN that allows students enrolled in a course to view slide and whiteboard content on their personal devices during class. This feature offers a better view of the material being presented in the room and allows students to magnify content. It also allows students to independently control the content being viewed on their personal devices, including the ability to rewind and review material presented during the class period.
To use Lecture Rewind, the class must have lecture recording enabled (publishing content is not required), and the feature must be enabled by the instructor. It is only accessible to enrolled students during the planned course time. Lecture Rewind is accessible via a link and does not play back audio. It is best used when present in the classroom, but can also be used when attending class remotely via Zoom. CAEN invites instructors and students to provide feedback on this feature by emailing [email protected].