Extended Reality (XR) headsets available for checkout

Update: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CAEN’s checkout service is currently unavailable. Those interested in testing XR technology may contact the Duderstadt Center Visualization Studio.

HTC VIVE Pro and HP Reverb extended reality headsets are now available for checkout at the Duderstadt Center reserve desk. The HTC VIVE Pro headsets can be connected to XR tower computers in the CAEN computer labs located in EECS 4440 and GFL 224. To reduce setup time, the HTC Vive Base Stations have been mounted to the ceiling in these rooms. The HP Reverb headsets can also be connected to XR tower computers in the EECS and GFL CAEN labs.

For additional information about extended reality (XR), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) technologies, see our FAQ located at the CAEN XR knowledge base..