CTools Course Sites to transition to Canvas in Fall 2016

Beginning in the Fall 2016 term, Canvas will replace CTools as the campus-wide learning management system (LMS) used for courses. This means that those who teach or support a course at the University will no longer be able to use CTools to publish their course content beginning in the Fall 2016 term. Background about this transition is available on the main ITS Canvas project website: http://its.umich.edu/projects/canvas/

In collaboration with ITS, CAEN is evaluating options for assisting College of Engineering instructors with transitioning CTools course site content to Canvas. In preparation for this process, we would like to capture faculty and instructor interest in obtaining assistance with this transition. Completing the following form will aid in our planning for the transition:


Further information about this transition, including a calendar of upcoming Canvas training workshops and walk-in Q&A sessions, has been made available at http://canvas.engin.umich.edu.

Instructors should also feel free to send questions about this transition directly to [email protected].