The College of Engineering supplemental printing allocation is now set for the Fall 2014 term. In addition, ITS is introducing changes to the campus printing environment. The end result is that students will notice some changes and new features when they use the printers in CAEN’s student computer labs and in ITS Sites labs.
New this year is that printing quotas are now represented as a dollar amount instead of as a number of impressions (pages). ITS will continue to give each student their base printing allocation of $24, which is the equivalent of 400 black and white impressions at the current rate. The College of Engineering supplements the ITS base printing allocation for eligible students with a supplemental printing allocation of $40, which is the equivalent of 666 black and white impressions. The supplemental amount is determined by the College of Engineering Administration.
Also new this year is the ability to use the printing allocation for printing in your choice of black and white, color, tabloid, or poster. Rates for these types of printing can be found at the ITS website:
Lastly, students now have the flexibility to print and then pick up the print job at the printer that they wish to. The feature is referred to as “follow me” printing (click here for more information). Students are only charged for pages that physically come out of a printer.